I have an Excel data-linked capability model that currently displays 2 fields inside each shape - capability and subtitle. I’d like to be able to toggle between viewing both fields and only viewing the capability field.
I tried using a second layer where the shapes only display the 1 data field but it is time consuming to have to edit both layers every time I reorganize/reformat the model.
Any ideas? Thanks!
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Trying to confirm your question and see if we can get clarification.
You have a model with 2 fields in each shape.
There are times you want to turn off the second field, so you copied the model onto a second layer and then turned off the second field on that layer.
Then you either automated with an action or you just manually turn the layers on/off as desired.
So you have something like this….
2 Fields in Each Shape Displays Differently per Layer
If you needed to modify this to insert another shape or whatever, you have to do it to both layers as you want the layers to be the same.
So essentially the ideal solution would be to lock the copied/equivalent shape on layer 2 to the original on layer 1 so that if you moved the original then the copy would move as well. Right now you’re having to make the modification on layer 1 and then do the same modification on layer 2. That’s okay if you have just a few items, but if you have dozens or hundreds of shapes and have to reorganize the model on both layers - that would be very much time consuming.
A simple example of the problem would be inserting a process - if I modify only layer 1, then layer 2 is messed up unless you make the exact same modification in layer 2.
Modifying Layer 1 Causes Mismatch with Layer 2
So, if I’m tracking with all that, I can’t think of a way to “lock” the two different layers shapes together, but I think a simple copy → delete all except the action button → paste → turn off subtitle is a not so bad workaround and you don’t have to try and manipulate everything into place on layer 2 after modifying layer 1.
Copy Modified Data from Layer 1 to Layer 2 Leaving Action Button in Play
Hope that helps - not a perfect solution - but hopefully easier.
Thank you, Rick! This is very helpful. I’m also trying a different route with an IF formula within each shape that is based on the shape data of a single other “button” shape. It’s fairly clean - just working on a way to be able to click the “button” instead of having the manually type a 1 or 0 in it.