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Now, the default font is "Liberation Sans". Since "Liberation Serif" is the only font that supports Japanese, I would like to set the font selected by default to "Liberation Serif", how do I set it?


Hi - I hope that you are Doing good !!

Select shapes in your document containing text.
Change the font.
In Lucidchart, select a new font from the dropdown in the Formatting bar.
In Lucidspark, click text-options-icon-in-lucidspark.png the Text options icon from the Context Toolbar that appears, then select a new font from the dropdown.
Re-upload the font file

Select Liberation Sans as font
If a custom font you have uploaded is not working as expected, try re-uploading the font to see if that resolves the issue. 

Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!
Warm regards

Huma, thank you for your response. However, the answer I was looking for is different. Instead of changing the font during work, I want to change the default set font. How should I proceed?

Hi @kahojjjjjjjjjjj, thank you for posting in the community and thank you @Humas1985 for responding! 

Just to add some extra information, we have a Japanese font titled “Lucid JP” which we recommend to all users who would like to use Japanese text in their work!

This should automatically become the default font if you have set your account language to “Japanese” via your account settings. If you haven’t already, could you please try this and let me know if you see any changes?

I hope this helps! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions :) 


Thank you. I have already set the language setting of my account to "Japanese," but the Japanese font "Lucid JP" doesn't appear as an option at all.

Hi @kahojjjjjjjjjjj, thank you for giving that a try and sorry to hear that didn’t help resolve the issue! This may be happening because “Lucid JP” is currently disabled in the font manager of your account. 

Could you please try the following steps and let me know if you are still not able to see “Lucid JP”? 

  1. Open a new Lucidchart document.


  2. Click on the drop down box for Fonts and click ‘Manage fonts’ to open the fonts manager. 
  3. In the Font Manager window, search for Lucid JP. If it is toggled off, please toggle it on and select ‘Done’ to save your changes. 


  4. Finally, open Lucidspark again to confirm if “Lucid JP” is now available in the list of fonts. 

Please let me know if you are still not able to see this font, or if you have any questions! 

Thank you, this is exactly the answer I was looking for!

Thank you for the update, @kahojjjjjjjjjjj! Glad to hear that helped resolve the issue you were seeing 🙌

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions, we’re happy to help! 😄
