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I made a quick video about my experience here. When generating a thumbnail of a hyperlink it seems that the published version of that link no longer works. If you are logged in to a Lucid account then there seems to be no problem but just a generated URL doesn't work. Regular hyperlinks that are connected to basic objects seem to work just fine. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

Hi Spencer

Thanks for the question and for providing a thorough (and high quality!) resource on your experience. I'm currently looking into whether this is intended behavior or perhaps a new bug we're experiencing. While I wait for more info I wanted to get a response to you so you're not waiting too long. Keep an eye on your inbox for a follow up!

Hey Spencer 

Following up. I've gone ahead and filed a report with our engineers. To set expectations they have to rigorously prioritize tasks so I am unable to provide a turnaround time for when you could expect this to be fixed. I will be sure to add a post to this thread when I hear back.

Thanks for taking the time to share this issue with us! Feel free to follow up with anymore questions.

Hi there has this been resolved? 

I'm sharing a published document and none of the thumbnail links work for me either. 

No response yet Tim. I keep checking back. I'm still really hoping to use this feature. It will for sure make or break maintaining my subscription.
