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My math department has recently started using Lucid. We’re trying to organize work for students, but are finding that both the breakout boards interface AND the table of contents don’t stay sorted according to our layout.

For example, I sorted this table of contents to follow the flow of a lesson:


But others (students) see something different, and when I refresh, it gets jumbled up.


Here, I notice that all the frames are on top and all the breakout boards are on the bottom, but within those, it doesn’t seem to have any order. I even tried renaming things hoping it was sorting alphabetically, and it doesn’t seem to be.

This will be a major hang-up for us if we can’t create organization - one of the things that attracted us to Lucid was the breakout boards, but we don’t seem to be able to keep them organized.

Are we missing something?



Hi @Zach A, thanks for posting in the community! We’re happy to hear you are using Lucidspark with your students and our apologies for the difficulty. The table of contents and breakout boards should sort according to the order you place them in, so what you’re describing above is not intended behavior. In order to take a closer look at this issue, do you mind replying with the document pin for this document

Thanks for your help and patience! 

Hello! Here it is! 



I’ve seen it happening with other boards recently, but right now trying to duplicate it, they do stay sorted… hopefully you can make it happen.

Thanks so much!

Hi @Zach A, thanks for the reply and additional information! I’m happy to hear that you are not longer experiencing the problem. I was unable to reproduce the issue, which means the delay in updating and syncing could be related to your network connection. Or, potentially, a student may have accidentally rearranged the order, as collaborators can also edit the order of your Table of Contents. Please let us know if you have any additional questions! 
