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Hello. How can I insert multidimensional swim lanes with the headers below (not above like it shows by default)

Hey Gerardo 👋

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! You can change the orientation of your headers by using our flip feature 👍

Hope this helps--please let me know if you need a bit more guidance on this or if there's anything else we can help out with! Firm handshakes 🤝

Thank you Phillip for the prompt response. When I insert my multidimensional swim lanes in the diagram and I click on the Shape Options icon on top all the icons in the popup window are grayed out except Shape Opacity and Rounded. I cannot click on the vertical Flip icon. How can I make the Flip icon to be clickable?

Hey Gerardo 

Aha I see. So the best option to do this would be to use 2 separate swim lanes one horizontal and one vertical. This will allow you to flip the vertical swim lane and place the header at the bottom as you would like. 

Hope this helps--please let me know if this solution doesn't work for you I'd be happy to dig in a bit deeper and explore something else. 

Thank you. I can't flip the vertical swim lane because the Flip icon in Shape Options is grayed out. What can I do so this icon can be clicked?

Hey Gerardo

Thank you for the reply--I've included a short gif that should help us out here. You will need to pull out two brand new swim lanes and this options should be available to you.

If this is not the case would you care to try this option on a new page or new document to see if this is a document specific issue that you are experiencing? 

Thank you for your help and patience here! 

That worked. Thank you very much!

Hey Gerardo

Happy to hear that! Reach out anytime 👍
