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I've been creating process flow diagrams for my employer which include custom icons for the various tools and individual department roles. The icons are SVGs that I've been importing into Lucidchart. 

For months now the import has occasionally been buggy but mostly fine. However in the last 2 weeks every SVG I import regardless of source (made in-house by our designer downloaded from a paid icon library service freebie found on Google) has come in looking like an absolute mess. It's as though any curves or circles just don't work right.  It doesn't matter if they are solid shapes or just outlines. 

What I expect:

What I get:

I know the import isn't perfect but considering that I am suddenly unable to import them at all without a problem I'm wondering if I've done something wrong (though I haven't done anything differently that I know of) or if perhaps there was something in a recent update to Lucidchart itself that has created a fun new bug in the SVG import. 

Am I alone in having this issue suddenly start recently? Is there a way I can fix it myself or am I doomed to find a work-around until the bug is fixed on the Lucidchart end?


Hey Amy

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Due to the nature of this request and potentially requiring more information to work through it I have created a support ticket for you. We will be in touch with you shortly. 

If anyone else out there is experiencing a similar issue please comment on this thread.

Hi Lucid Community 

I wanted to take a moment to update this thread with the resolution. By-and-large the import as SVG feature functions properly. However if there seems to be an issue with a particular file not uploading properly the best option is to drag the file directly from your folder to the canvas. This mitigates any rendering or other upload issues 👍

Hopefully this helps anyone running into a similar issue in the future--be sure to reach out directly at if you continue to experience issues. Firm handshakes 🤝

Hi Phillip 

I am trying to import 100s of custom SVG shapes into Lucidchart with very mixed results I get best results following your above advice of dragging the SVG file from my folder to the canvas only problem is now the stroke of the SVG is no longer editable (if I import SVG I can edit stroke colour / width) can you flag with the dev team that the drag and drop option for SVG doesn't allow stroke edit... would be great if it did as it seems to keep things like stroke cap and generally renders better than the import SVG option

Hey Colm

Thank you for taking the time to post in the Lucid Community and keep this thread going! Yes this is a limitation of dragging and dropping the SVG onto the canvas. I will most certainly pass this thread along to our dev team and ensure that your voice is heard on this issue. 

Again thanks for the post and giving us the opportunity to help with your workflow--Cheers! 

Hi is there updates on this? I am unable to upload SVGs through the import function, I get either an empty icon or something quite janky like what the op?

Hi Abe,

Thanks for keeping this thread going! To clarify -- have you tried the work around options listed here already? 

Still an issue.

  1. Download Security Key - Google Symbols as svg
  2. Go to
  3. More Shapes
  4. Import Shapes
  5. Add to new library
  6. Drag svg onto drop location
  7. Use selected library
  8. Drag the icon onto the canvas
  9. Enjoy the messed up icon

Same happens to other icons too. Would be great to see this fixed.


Here is the SVG version of the icon.

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path fill="#5f6368" d="M13.897 29.333q-0.92 0-1.537-0.617t-0.617-1.537v-3.923h-0.256q-0.921 0-1.537-0.617t-0.617-1.537v-16.282q0-0.921 0.617-1.537t1.537-0.617h9.025q0.921 0 1.537 0.617t0.617 1.537v16.282q0 0.92-0.617 1.537t-1.537 0.617h-0.256v3.923q0 0.921-0.617 1.537t-1.537 0.617h-4.205zM16 16.026q1.282 0 2.179-0.885t0.898-2.167-0.898-2.192-2.179-0.91-2.179 0.91-0.898 2.192 0.898 2.167 2.179 0.885zM13.692 28h4.641q0.256 0 0.436-0.179t0.179-0.436v-4.128h-5.872v4.128q0 0.256 0.179 0.436t0.436 0.179zM11.282 21.923h9.436q0.256 0 0.436-0.179t0.179-0.436v-16.692q0-0.256-0.179-0.436t-0.436-0.179h-9.436q-0.256 0-0.436 0.179t-0.179 0.436v16.692q0 0.256 0.179 0.436t0.436 0.179zM16 14.692q-0.721 0-1.219-0.499t-0.499-1.219 0.499-1.245 1.219-0.524 1.245 0.524 0.524 1.245-0.524 1.219-1.245 0.499zM11.282 21.923v0z"></path>




Hi @Thomas1234, thank you for continuing this thread. There is currently a bug in our system related to SVG imports and it has been reported to our Development Team. I apologize for any disruption this may cause, and I will update this thread with any new information about a fix.

The workaround Philip mentioned in this thread is currently the best option for SVG files that are not appearing correctly. This post also has a demonstration on how to add the shapes to a custom shape library. 

It might also be worth checking if WebGL is causing an issue with the graphics card on your computer. Could you please try toggling WebGL off and let me know if you see any difference? This can be done by selecting View > Rendering > Use WebGL and un-selecting this option. Thanks! 

Joined to post here - importing an SVG by dragging onto canvas leads to a non-SVG mess (grainy and non editable) - this is not an acceptable workaround - please fix this lucid!

Hi @mattlee

Thanks for your post! If you would like to use SVG’s in Lucidchart and dragging them to the canvas does not work, I would recommend importing your SVG’s into Lucidchart as an JPEG or PNG. 

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Is there an ETA for the fix? Using JPEG or PNG is not a feasible workaround

Hi @mstardavid

Thank you for the reply! I currently do not have an ETA for this bug. However, you can check out this post for another possible workaround in the meantime: 

I apologize for any disruption this may cause, and I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.

Having a similar issue, but in my case it converts to a pixelated image after importing the vector


Hi @Ed Russo

Thank you for your reply! I apologize that you are encountering a similar issue. This is a bug currently in our system that impacts the import of SVG shapes. I would recommend checking out the workaround in the post below. 

Hi @mstardavid

Thank you for the reply! I currently do not have an ETA for this bug. However, you can check out this post for another possible workaround in the meantime: 


I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.
