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Hi, my students are in trouble. 

They done with their interaction with Lucid, however they can not clic on the “submit assignment” button since is inactive. Can somebody help us? 


Good afternoon,
Thank you for sending this to us. I am looking into what might cause that button to be greyed out. My guess is that maybe the assignment hasn’t been published? Could you tell me which software you are using to create the assignment? Is it Canvas?

I am checking internally to see how to best assist you, and I will get back to you when I have a solid answer.

Thank you. Yes, the assignment is published. Here is a screenshot. Also the due date is for next sunday so, there is no problem about that. Do you know if there is a users limit ? My course is massive (+200 students) so I’m worry about it. 


I’m sorry, it is Canvas. Is the first time where are using this integration and students are getting stressed about it.

@mariana leyva Do you have unlimited submission attempts selected?  If you are using a limited number of attempts, have the students reached their total number of submissions? 


@mariana leyva Do you have unlimited submission attempts selected?  If you are using a limited number of attempts, have the students reached their total number of submissions? 


Yes,  I do have unlimited attempts activated. 

Thank you for your support. I finally fixed the problem creating a new assignment.

Since the previous one was an existed assignment and I only changed the tool I guess the integration doesn’t work great in that scenario. So, I create a new assignment, follow the same steps and it works! 😀
