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I am using Lucidchart on my Mac M1 using Microsoft Edge browser and I keep getting stuck in view only mode. Simply logging out and back in to Lucid does not help the only for me to get back to editing mode is delete all the cookies for Lucid and then do a force close of Edge and restart.

I do not sign out of Lucid everyday but I shutdown the computer. Any idea how to resolve this?

Hi Dewalt 

Thanks for posting in the community and I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this. You mentioned that you have been able to get back to edit mode. Could you clarify the steps you are taking before getting stuck in view only mode – e.g. are you trying to use a specific feature or opening/editing a specific file? Could you also send a screenshot of what you see when stuck in view only mode and the version of your browser? 

Also if deleting your cookies fixes the issue this means that it was likely caused by browser interference. Would you mind testing if the issue persists when accessing Lucidchart from a different browser? Lucidchart is optimized for Google Chrome so if you haven't already please try opening your account in that browser to see if it resolves the issue. 

Hi basically every morning when I log into the application it defaults me to view only mode for any diagram I try to access. At the end of the day I close the browser and shutdown the PC the next time I start my PC and log into Lucidchart it forces me to view only mode. I have to then close my browser and delete any cookies for Lucidchart and log back into the app to be able to edit my diagrams.

I do not use Chrome and I don't to have to install it and use just to be able to access this app. My current browser version is Microsoft EdgeVersion 89.0.774.63 (Official build) (64-bit).

This seems to only happen on my Mac using the Edge browser on a Windows does not have the same behavior

Hi Dewalt thanks for replying with more information. To echo Flávia it sounds like the issue is likely caused by browser interference. Can you try logging into Lucidchart in an incognito window using Edge? If the issue persists can you please respond with a screenshot of what you see when stuck in view only mode? 
