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Hi I have shared a diagram with other people and now when I add a comment it is sending notifications to the people I have shared it with.  Is there a away I can stop this or do they need to do it themselves?


Thanks for the response and the detail provided I was hoping I would be able to stop it myself.  I'll send them the instructions if asked

Hi Nick 


Thanks for posting in the community! Your collaborators will need to adjust this setting for themselves. From within a specific document that's shared with a user they can select the Comments tab from the right panel click on the notification bell symbol in the corner and adjust their preferences accordingly. 


Additionally users can set notification preferences for their whole account. Simply navigate to Account Settings select the Notifications tab from the left navigation bar and check the boxes for the types of notifications you'd like to recieve. 



I hope this helps! Please feel free to take a look at our Collaborate and Share article from our help center as an additional resource and let me know if you have any other questions!
