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Is there a way to stop fields in an org chart type document in Lucidchart from resizing if you remove a text line from them?  Every time I do is switches all the boxes from their standard coordinated size to all sorts of sizes.  I then have to go through each one and re-size to match before the document can be sent.

Hi Katie 

Thanks for posting in the community! Just to make sure we're on the same page about intended functionality please take a moment to review our Org Chart article from our Help Center. 

One way to clear all other formatting changes made to your org chart shapes and return them to their standard size is to press Ctrl + A to select all of them then click "Clear Overrides" in the toolbar at the top of the canvas.

This resets visible fields color and other formatting to match your org chart default settings. If you have additional questions after reviewing that resource and trying to clear the overrides please let me know!
