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Is it possible to set different document states for individual tabs in a document? We often group related diagrams together in a single document with each on their own tab. Different diagrams get reviewed and approved at different times so it would be convenient to be able to set status per tab.

Hi Carol thanks for posting in the Lucidchart community! At this time it is only possible to set statuses for the document as a whole. However I certainly understand how being able to do so for individual pages would be beneficial for your use case - thanks for providing those details! Would you mind adding your idea to this feature request form? Our development team uses the feedback submitted here to prioritize improvements to the product. Thanks for the request and apologies for any inconvenience. Let me know if you have additional questions! 

I don't see the link to the form.

Hey Carol

Thanks so much for the heads up! I edited the previous post and the link is now active. Cheers!
