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I was wondering if there was a way for me to know whether a connector (line) from a container is not properly connected to another container. Visually they look like they're connected but if I were to move the container that it is connected to it would reveal that it wasn't actually properly connected. 

I was thinking maybe some sort of conditional formatting but i couldn't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated

Hi Ralph

Thanks for reaching out to Lucid support. In order to anchor a line to a shape/container so that the line will move if you move the shape/container you will need to use our smart line feature. You can find information about how smart lines work and how to use them in your diagram in this help center article. Unfortunately there isn't a way to visually tell whether a line is a smart line or not without testing it. If this is a feature idea that you would like to promote to our product team please add it to our feature request form here.
