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I would like to use the smart field feature to automatically push the value of account & opportunity field Salesforce fields into Lucidchart Account maps. It's explained here in the latest section of this post:

The problem is I only see the Contact object and not the opportunity or account object. The integration is setup in admin panel but it still doesn't work. 

What am I missing? Who can help?


Hi Frederik

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community. I apologize for any confusion. What you're describing typically occurs when the Salesforce integration has not been fully configured within the admin panel. If you've confirmed that the integration is setup and you are still unable to view the fields you're referencing please contact us here and include the URL to your document and we can help troubleshoot individually. Thanks in advance for your help and patience. 

Hey Frederik I was struggling with the same thing you are and this is the solution:

1) start a blank document

2) Click File> Import Data> Import > Salesforce Template Data

3) Link the account

After that I was able to bring all the objects that I set up in the admin panel into the blank canvas. Then you can convert that canvas into a template if you wish. Hope it helps!
