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I have created a Folder under my Documents.
I shared this Folder with my Team of 10 people. (Permission level: View & Edit)
If I move a Lucidchart “LC” into this folder, will all 10 people of my Team have access to the Lucidchart LC?

If yes, then what level of access would they have? - View only? Edit?


Thanks for posting in the Community!

When you share a folder with collaborators, you give them access to every document within that folder.

Lucid provides four tiers of sharing permissions that you can choose from when sharing a folder:

  • Can edit and share
  • Can edit
  • Can comment
  • Can view

So in your case, if you move a document into the shared folder you have created, all of your collaborators will have access to it with the permissions you set at the folder level. However, you can decide to set different permissions for each collaborator and adjust them any time.

For more information about sharing and & sharing permissions, I would recommend that you take a look at our Share with collaborators in Lucid article from our Help Center.

Let me know if you have any questions!

This is very helpful information! I’ve always wondered the same about specific user permissions within the document folder(s), and it is good to know the capabilities / limitations here. 
