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I have added users to share a document. I have a Pro license my understanding is they should be able to collaborate on the document The User's email is set to (edit and share) 


Please advise


Tom smith

Hi Tom thanks for posting in the Community! Yes if you share your document with a professional or below level user they will be able to open it. However if you have advanced shapes on the canvas or you are using pro-level features that basic and below users do not have access to they may face restrictions in their ability to edit the document. Be sure to check out our Account Types article from our Help Center for more information.

Please note all free users have access to free 7-day trials that they can enable in their Account Settings. They can cancel at anytime. Hope this helps! Happy Diagramming! 

Hey. I also have the same problem with adding another user. And we both have the Pro license. How did you fix the problem Thomas? And Magan what do you mean with advanced shapes?


I tried not to have hot spots in my diagram that allowed others to edit


Ok thanks:-) I don't have any hot spots in main. 

That is strange..

Hi Julie

Thanks for posting in the community. Just to make sure that we're on the same page about sharing documents please take a moment to review this Collaborate and Share article from our Help Center. When Megan mentioned "advanced shapes" she was referring to certain shapes and functionality that are only available to certain levels of paid accounts. For example Thomas mentioned he had hotspots in his diagram which lower level users don't have access to limiting their ability to edit his document. 


To clarify are you trying to share a document with another pro user and they are having trouble accessing and editing it? A good starting place to troubleshoot this is to un-share and re-share the document which often resolves most issues. Additionally please check that you have given your collaborator appropriate sharing permissions and that your collaborator is looking in the "Shared with Me" folder to access this document.
