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I want to share a frame. When I select the frame title on the board to see the menu, the Share Frame icon (paper airplane icon) is not showing. It shows on some frames and others not. How do I fix this?

Hi ​@scamero, thanks for your post! I am currently unable to reproduce what you are describing. 

Could you provide the following information to help me get a better understanding of the issue: 

  • Are shareable and non-shareable frames in the same board, or in different boards? 
  • Could you send a screenshot of what this looks like on your end? 



Thaks Eric for the quick reply and your assistance. The frame in question was something I created in my own LucidSpark board. I then shared my board with my fellow associates the board. In my board are several frames with templates on them. They would copy a frame from my LucidSpark board and paste it on their LucidSpark board they created. 


The frame that was copied from my LucidSpark to theirs for some reason does not show the “Share Frame” button from the pop-up menu when you select the Frame Title. Is it because it was copied from another Lucid board.

Unfortunately, the person that was having this issue is out today and I am unable to share a screenshot. He did say that he could share frames in his board that he created. We are just confused why he can’t share a frame I created that he copied and pasted into his board with someone else. 


Let me know if that makes sense. Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.



@scamero Thanks for the additional information! 

I am still unable to reproduce the issue based on your description. 

Could you confirm if the issue occurs when your associate only selects the frame (e.g. by clicking on the name of the frame) as opposed to clicking and dragging to select the frame and its contents? 

If this does not resolve the issue, a screenshot of an example would be very helpful to help with further troubleshooting. Thanks!

@Eric R Here are my coworker’s feedback to my questions and some screenshots. 

  • Does this only happen with frames you captured from other Lucid boards that someone else created? 
    • Yes, it only happen with frames I captured from other Lucid boards that someone else created. 
  • Does it allow you to select other frames on your board to share the frame that you yourself created?
    • Yes, it allows me select other frames on my board to share the frame that you yourself created
  • You are selecting the frame title right to see the menu that should have the share frame icon but it's currently not showing it right?
    • Yes, I am selecting the frame title to see the menu that should have the share frame icon but it's currently not showing it .
  • Could you confirm if the issue occurs when your associate only selects the frame (e.g. by clicking on the name of the frame) as opposed to clicking and dragging to select the frame and its contents? 
    • Yes, the issue occurs when selecting the frame (it happens in both scenarios, I've tried both options in the past).
Screenshot 1using Option 1 frame from the Lucidspark board I created that he is able to share from his own board after he copied it over.
Screenshot 2 using Option 2 frame from the same Lucidspark board I created that he is UN-able to share from his own board after he copied it over.

Let me know if all of this makes sense. Thanks in advance!

@Eric R  Just checking if you were able to replicate the above issue. No worries if you were not able to. I just appreciate you taking the time to help me. 

Hi ​@scamero, thank you for sending back those details! I’m taking over for ​@Eric R here and taking a closer look. Does your colleague have edit and share permissions

Can you please send a temporary Support PIN for this document? This will allow me to take a closer look at the issue you’re experiencing. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article. This PIN is only accessible by members of the Lucid support team, so it is safe to share within this thread.

