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Share and view only

  • 3 February 2018
  • 1 reply

I am teaching a university class to future special education teachers. I have a treatment selection flow chart and template I created in lucid chart that has built in comment boxes to add thought processes for why selected or did not select a certain path. What  I would like to do is share the document link with the class so that they can edit the document to create their own decision flowchart. If I set the sharing restrictions to be "view only" can the students than save the document as a new document to their system and then edit the document? It seems like a really basic question but I couldn't find a response.

Are there better ways to approach this?






Setting the doc as view only will allow your students to view the content only.  You may consider making the document a template as this will allow them to create a new doc from the template you set.  We have a great video in our help center that explains how to work with templates.  Take a look and let us know if you have questions. 
