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I have read all of the relevant articles and tried numerous things and cannot get Shapes that are linked to Lucid documents and pages to open up the file when in pdf format. What can I do to resolve this?

Hi @kwaelde, thanks for posting in the Lucid Community!

If you export your document as a PDF, the links should work, but Actions such as toggling layers and conditional formatting will not. Can you please specify if you are using Actions or Hotspots? To compare these two features, please take a look at this Community Post (in English)!

There are also a few specific things worth noting when exporting a document:

  • Try the export in a Chrome Incognito browsing session. This often improves performance by clearing your cache and cookies and disabling your extensions.
  • Sometimes issues like this can be related to internet connection speed or network security. Please try the export again on another network, ensuring that you are on a strong, stable connection.

Hi Amelia,


I’m using the Link to Lucid Chart Document (functionality). I picked HotSpot in the Support Form, because it was the closest option to what I was doing. 

Thank you for the extra tips. I think part of the problem was I was “printing” to PDF, instead of “Exporting” to PDF. But I also tried incognito and that worked for me as well. 


Appreciate the quick help and during a holiday week! Many thanks!



I’m glad to hear that you have resolved the issue, Kristina! Printing and Exporting do look the same, but exporting your file as a PDF should allow to use your links as desired. Let me know if you have any other questions!
