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Hi There,

Lucidchart shapes pane isn’t loading the shapes icons. I tried multiple things like

  1. Having only 1 Shape module ex: UML Sequence ONLY
  2. Made sure there is only 1 lucidchart browser (working page)
  3. Deleted browser cache 

None seems to be loading the icons in the shapes pane. Apologies if there is already a thread on this. If there is already one please share the thread details or provide how this can be resolved.


Good morning Udaya,

It looks like you have found our shape panel view for “text only”. In my screenshot below you can see that if you go to the view menu > shapes panel > and make your selection. This should change the shapes panel back to your preference.



Got it! I didn’t realized there is option to change it and I didn’t realized I made a change. Thank you 
