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This is driving my insane. I'm trying to pull a wall to the length I need it and it magically wont.  What the heck is going on here?  YouTube video to demonstrate exactly what is happening.  I can drag it out inch by inch perfectly until I almost reach the length I want and that poof stupidity ensues.  I mean this is supposed to be useful for floorplan right? Ideally I want this to scale at the sub-inch level but round inches will work too.


FYI none of the required Topics make sense so I just chose Lucid Suite.

Hi Geoff thanks for posting in the community and apologies for the trouble you're experiencing! Could you try deleting the text box to the left of your wall shape? To support easy alignment while diagraming shapes can snap to the length of another nearby object. Do you experience the same issue after deleting the text box next to the wall? If so do you mind sending in your response the document pin for this document so I can take a closer look at this issue? Thanks for your help and patience! 

Oh yeah it makes no difference. That text box is just there to call attention to where it does it. I can replicate this problem with any wall object placed anywhere on the work surface. They will all expand in length until a certain point where they suddenly jump several inches.

Hi Geoff thanks for the response! Our apologies for the continued trouble. Could you please reply with the document pin for this document so I can take a closer look at this issue? We appreciate your help and patience! 

No problem!


Hi Geoff thanks for sending that over. If navigate to File in your toolbar select Document Settings and then choose the Grid and snapping tab you can toggle off the snap features including: 

  • Snap to objects

  • Snap to grid

  • Snap to guides

If you turn each of these off you shouldn't have any more issues with your shape snapping! 

I hope this help - please let me know if you have additional questions or issues.

