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I've followed all of the tips + tricks in the Basic Troubleshooting article but none of the info is really making a difference in system performance. We've recently began using shapes holding data and when ctrl c+v of a shape (or full diagram) there is severe lag on the document. 

I have a simple task of duplicating diagram on page 1 on several additional pages and this task is quite literally taking me 3-4 hours. I know this is a known issue when using shape data but are there any tricks to minimizing the lag with this feature? It's painful.

Hi Sarah thanks for posting in the Lucid community! I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing performance issues in your document - this sounds unusual and copying and pasting definitely shouldn't cause such a lag. Thanks for taking those troubleshooting steps! Just to confirm my understanding you've tried on a different internet connect and browser and using an incognito window and none of those things have made a difference?

A few additional clarification questions:

  • Is copying and pasting the only function you're having issues with? Or are you experiencing this when trying to move shapes edit or style them etc.?

  • You mentioned using shape data. Did these issues only start occurring after you linked data to your document? Does it only occur when copying or pasting these shapes? If you copy a plain shape line or other object unassociated with your linked data do you experience the same lag?

  • Are you experiencing this in only a single document or in all?

  • Does a duplicate of the problematic document behave in the same way?

Yes I've tried the troubleshooting suggestions. Incognito has only marginally improved the lag.

1. Copying and pasting is the only issue as of right now all other functions perform optimally

2 & 3. The lag is only occurring with shapes using shape data - other documents where we do not use shape data are performing as normal

4. Yes same issue. Duplicating the document also experiences severe lag

Hi Sarah thanks for getting back to me and providing that additional information. I'd like to take a closer look at this behavior in your specific documents. To maintain your privacy I've created a support ticket from your request and have reached out directly via email for more information! Please check your inbox and we'll continue the conversation there. Thanks for your patience!
