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I am trying to set up a TEMPLATE for our company with our signature font as the default. I have done this however when I close the template and then reopen it reverts back to Liberation Sans which is not our font. Is there a way for us to save the font as what will auto populate? 

I will also be populating our new branding colors which I imagine will auto default as well. Is that correct? 

If there is something we cannot default please lmk. Thank you Angi 

Hello thank you for posting in the Lucidchart Community! How are you making your signature font the default? Are you right clicking on a shape that has your specified font and selecting "set as default"?

Please let me know the process you are taking to create this default font so I can further assist! Thank you for your patience.

Sami yes I did this exact thing. It works as long as I am in the document. When I close the document and then go back to open the template again it reverts to the Liberation Sans. It does not save the MOntseratt in the template. Please advise. thank you 

Hello Tim

I am going to turn this post over to a ticket so we can get more information from you and dive deeper into the issue here. Thank you for your patience you should be hearing from us shortly. 
