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I am teaching an online business/tech class and I have created an ERD diagram without keys and links.  I want to send a copy to my students so they can add the relationships and submit an exported PDF to an assignment.  This is not collaboration because each student needs a copy of the ERD with which to do their work.

I see it as these steps

  • export the unfinished ERD diagram from Lucidchart to a file

  • distribute the file to my students

  • student imports/opens the file in Lucidchart

  • student completes the relationships identifying primary and foreign keys

  • student exports the diagram to PDF

  • student submits the PDF to the LMS.

Hi Paul

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! An idea here: You could share the URL of the file with your students and have them create a duplicate of the document. This will allow them to be the owner of the copy and they can change the diagram how they would see fit. To make a duplicate they just need to click File > Duplicate. 

Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions! Cheers 🍻
