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Click and drag selecting will select anything that has a part of it inside the selected area.

This makes it hard to pick things that are also close to other things without also picking them....

In other software I have seen various techniques to overcome this.

  1. If you want only one select method make it select things completely inside the area - that's more normal

  2. Make it a setting to choose which method it uses

  3. Use a modifier key to switch

  4. Dragging selects everything fully contained unless you drag from bottom right to top left (sketchup does this it's very easy to use)

I will also post a feature request. I ask here in case there's something I am missing.

Hi David thank you for posting in the Lucid community! Our sincere apologies for the delayed response on this thread.

Thank you for your request! We're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to keep developing a useful and effective product. I've gone ahead and submitted your idea to our product team on your behalf and it will be taken into consideration when prioritizing improvements.

For anyone else with a similar request: please submit your feedback using this feature request form in order to voice additional support to our development team. We would also love to hear additional detail about your use case or see an example of what you're hoping to achieve in the thread below. Additionally if you've discovered a workaround to achieve something similar in the meantime we'd love to hear about it! Thanks for your request!
