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Im coming from visio (however this is a fresh new lucidchart chart not an import).

the chart is 6x pages and when i go to select all the shapes on a page lucid is selecting multiple shapes of the same kind on other pages.  (i have verified the shapes are not grouped ).

Here is a screen recording of the issue:

What im trying to do here is select all shapes on this page (page 6) and shrink them slightly to better fit on the page 6 page margins.  I am using multiple layers  if that is relevant.

Am i doing something wrong?  many of these shapes are duplicates with only the text changed (so maybe im using the wrong process to duplicate them and the shapes are still linked somehow?  to dup a shape i select it then alt+drag)

This would work on visio by the same process im trying here (but without selecting shapes on other pages)



Hi! Thanks for posting in the Lucid community - great question! Based on what I can see in your recording it does look like when you click and drag to create a selection box around what appears to be only Page 6 content you are also selecting objects in additional layers - noticed how your layers titled "Page Numbers" "hall Line Breaks" "Hall Text Overlay" and the one below that are highlighted in blue once you create your selection box. Objects placed within layers are automatically grouped when working on the main page and you need to be editing within a specific layer to move objects within that layer independently. 

For example on my canvas here I have a main page with squares containing the word "MAIN" then three layers which each contain sticky notes with their corresponding number. 

If I click and drag to select only a portion of the objects in the lower right corner - one "1" one "2" and one "3" - you'll see that all objects within those layers are selected and so when I try to move them all of the selected shapes move. 

If you want to continue using layers in this diagram but only want to move objects on your main page I recommend using our locking function to prevent edits to specific shapes' size and position. You can lock an object or multiple objects at once by selecting them clicking the lock icon in the toolbar at the top of the editor and choosing the "Size and position" option. 

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I hope this helps!


Thanks for that excellent reply!  

  I think i found out what i was doing wrong (and was un-aware of).  Its much simpler too-  i just need to click on the proper layer before i start dragging to select.  (i dont think i did a good job of explaining my issue in my original question + prehaps the way i did this diagram with each "type" of shape on its own layer might be a bit unique / un-orthodox.

Let me rephrase my original issue and show how "FIRST clicking the layer" solves it.

in this example image  im trying to select just the 2x shapes i have marked with arrows (i could of course click them but dragging a selection square is easier as it grabs the text AND black oval even though they are grouped  (and is what i would have done in visio with or without layers):


notice the difference in what gets selected w the shapes layer selected vs not selected (this behavior is different from what im used to in visio  but not necessary better or worse):

(the green check mark is what i was trying to accomplish all along)

However in reading your answer a few times  i did learn a few things about lucid and a feature  i was unaware of (the lock icon where you can lock specific elements of shape such as size and position)  So i really appreciate that.

Thanks so much for continuing this thread and clarifying what you're hoping to do! You're correct - simply clicking on the layer which contains the objects you want will allow you to click and drag to select and move objects without interfering with others (as you've shown in your examples) or arrange single objects independently. 

Please continue this thread with any other questions - we're glad to have the opportunity to support your work!
