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As someone iteratively building a flowchart using Swim Lanes and Objects in Lucidchart (which is generally a great piece of software BTW)...


...I need to be able to easily move multiple Objects (mostly representing steps transitions and decisions) that are located in multiple Swim Lanes independently of the Swim Lanes... I can quickly refactor a complex flowchart mostly by moving sections of it apart so I can insert additional steps transitions decisions etc.

My usual approach to flow-charting (often in a workshop setting) is to slam basic steps decisions and paths between them into high-level Swim Lanes as quickly as necessary to get the "sketch" to an end-point (i.e. where the process I'm diagramming finishes or triggers a new discrete process). Afterwards I go back and add in the subtleties of the process (joins additional steps and so on) which usually involves enlarging the canvas adding Swim Lanes and importantly grabbing large portions of the flowchart and separating to make room for what I'm adding.


Right now my experience in Lucidchart is that when I drag a selection border over Objects across multiple Swim Lanes all of the Swim Lanes "underneath" those Objects (and it seems all the other Swim Lanes in the flowchart) end up being selected as well.  This means when I move the selection (intending to move only the Objects) the Swim Lanes move with it which is not what I wish to do. This behavior appears to be the same whether Objects are magnetized or not.

CMD+Click-ing individual Objects to build up a selection and avoid selecting Swim Lanes is not practical once a flowchart gets to a certain complexity. The only decent work-around I've found is to send the Swim Lanes to another Layer but then the iterative improvement process involves frequently switching between the Swim Lanes and Objects layers (and remembering to do so) which interrupts flow.

Lucidchart's automatic selection of items that just happen to intersect with the selection border (as opposed to being fully enclosed by it) doesn't appear to be intuitive.


Am I missing a trick? Is there a stricter setting in Lucidchart to ensure that the selection border only picks up those things are are enclosed by it? Thanks in anticipation.

Hi Justin! Thanks for reaching out in the community. You can accomplish what you are asking about by using our locking and grouping features! If you select your swim lanes and then right click and select "lock" it will lock your swim lanes on the canvas so they can't be selected. Then for the groups of shapes that you are wanting to move around you can select the certain shapes right click and then select "group" and this will allow you to then move those objects together rather than separately. And if you ever wish to unlock or ungroup items you can right click and that option will also be there. Hope this helps!

Same problem here. I like the lock feature above. The other workaround I've found is to select your shapes then ctrl+click the swimming lane header to deselect the swimming lanes from the total selection. Useful if you are still moving/shaping the swimming lanes a bit. But the lock feature is faster if you swimming lanes are not needing to be moved.

@matt s103 Thank you so much for sharing your use case and tip in this thread!
