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I work as a consultant and use lucidcharts with clients. After the gig - I'm supposed to remove the files - nda. However I find that files shared with me - I can't seem to remove from my lucidcharts - there doesn't appear to be a delete file.  


And while I was working on one gig I provided shares to a user so we could collaborate.  I removed them as a user - but see that shares still exist all over the place to them - how can I simply see a list of all files shared all that have had published links - and remove them and / or change the link publishing so they are no longer accessible?  I'm a one man shop so enterprise doens't make much sense.


Thanks for posting.  You should be able to delete all sharing permissions active access links and be able to activate/deactivate any embed code from your sharing settings within any given document.  If you are not the owner of the document you will not be able to delete the document and if you are a view only user on any documents you will not be able to take away sharing permissions.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 
