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I do not seem to have the ability to search inside of my documents for specific text (like a procedure or table name).

Does that functionality not exist or am I missing something very simple?

Hi Chris 

If you click into a document and hit Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on a Mac) it will pop up the find and replace option.

Using this option you can search for a specific word in your document. Hope this helps!

Sorry let me re-word the question.

I am trying to GLOBALLY search ALL of our documents for text.  The idea is to not open 100 documents to search for the text.  We would like to be able to search for the text and have it tell us WHICH documents have that text in there. 

Hope that makes a bit more sense?



Hey Chris thanks for the clarification. This is currently not a feature in Lucidchart. However we are always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to the product feedback section? This form allows our team to categorize like requests and bring them to our product team.

Thanks for helping make Lucidchart better!

Hi all 

Thanks for continuing to post in the community!

Searching for specific text within documents is not supported by Lucidchart. Our development team works to rigorously prioritize improvements to the product and the best way to continue to bring this to their attention is through the product feedback section of the community - please fill it out if you haven't already and let us know if you have any other questions.

In regards to difficulty searching for documents you may find the Advanced Search Tool useful as it can search by various attributes including custom tags. To learn more about how to create these feel free to take a look at this Custom Tags and Team Attributes article. 
