Hey Lucid users -- if you are having trouble with our Schoology integration there are a few things to look at:
- Teachers can add a Lucidchart diagram to an assignment by navigating to a course selecting "add materials" selecting the insert content button selecting Lucidchart and then selecting the diagram from their Lucidchart docs list.
- When students select the diagram link in the assignment that will open a new copy of that diagram for them.
- Students can submit a Lucidchart diagram as an assignment by exporting the diagram as a PDF from within Lucidchart navigating to the assignment in Schoology selecting submit assignment and uploading the PDF.
- If your Lucidchart documents list doesn't load when diagramming in Schoology can you check that 3rd party cookies aren't blocked for your browser?
If the issue persists please drop a comment with the following information:
- A screenshot of the issue so I can see what you’re seeing.
- Can you send a screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue? You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J (if your computer is a Windows / Linux) OR Cmd + Opt + J (if your computer is a Mac).