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Some of my settings/preferences don't seem to be saved from one session to the next sometimes not even when I work on the same documents. For example:

  • I want the sort order of my folders to be Name (A-Z) pretty much 100% of the time. I keep changing it to this but every time I open Lucidchart anew it's reset itself to Modified (New - Old).

  • I have a certain way that I want my shapes library with a specific custom library on top. When I open an existing document it does keep the shapes library the way I had it the last time I worked with that document. But whenever I create a new document the shapes library returns to its default state and I have to set it back up the way I want it.

  • I pretty much always want the "snap to grid" option turned off. At seemingly random and unpredictable intervals that (unlike the point above) seem unrelated to whether I'm working with a new or existing document it keeps turning itself back on.

These three issues (and there's probably others I'm forgetting) seem entirely independent; I think I've seen every one of these three settings revert on me independently of the other two. So it's not some general resetting-to-defaults behaviour it's weirder than that.

Is there a way to save these settings so that they will ALWAYS be the way I want them whether I am working with a new or existing document? If so what is it? If not can someone at least explain exactly what makes these settings keep resetting on me so I can minimize the times this happens or at the very least know when to expect this behaviour?

Hi Jeff

Thanks for reaching out on the Lucid community. I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with your settings and preferences and am happy to help. In regards to your specific questions:

  • The sort order of your documents/folders cannot be set permanently. It will reset each time that Lucidchart is opened. However if you are having trouble finding specific documents you can make it easier to find what you are looking for by using folders document attributes or custom tags.

  • Existing documents can and will hold on to the way that shapes libraries have been arranged in them. However new documents always start with the default shape library. However if you create a blank document with the shape libraries arranged the way that you like them and then change that blank document to a template any time that you use that template to create a new document it will be created with those shape libraries.

  • "Snap to grid" is also a document specific preference that will need to be set in every specific document. Unlike the shape library formatting however this is not something that can be set in a template and carry over into new documents. If you would like to suggest to our development team that they implement a way to more consistently turn off "snap to grid" please submit it here.

Hope this helps!

