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I'm trying to figure out how I can save a flowchart and open it for future revision. I can see the document saved in the left portion of the screen under "My Documents" and when I hover my mouse over the file icon it shows the exact flowchart I was working on but when I open the file by:

1. double clicking

2. right click -> open 

Both still leads me to a blank graph screen and my flowchart I was working on is not populating.

I've realized I can share the link to this flowchart and can be opened for revision but is there not a feature in Lucidchart where I can save and open for future editing without having to click on the share link?

Or am I just missing something so obvious...


Hi Kristoffer thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! As you described your document saves automatically and you should simply be able to click on it in your My Documents to open it. Does the diagram appear like it's attempting to load or do you simply see a blank canvas? If it's the latter I suspect you might have an additional blank page within your document that is "hiding" your main diagram as shown in this community post. Will you please confirm this is not the case? 

If you're still experiencing this issue would you please share a screenshot of what you seen when you open the document by double-clicking or right-clicking > open and don't see your diagram? Thanks!
