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I recently learned about using layers and actions to achieve animation.

I have a chart where I want to show adding one layer after another one at a time.  I want to do this in a way that is similar to PowerPoint animation where I can keep clicking a next or arrow button and each layer will appear one after the other.

However for each layer I wanted to show I need to create and click on a different button with an associated action. (I likely could have used hotspots instead.)  For ex 10 layers 10 different buttons. This created a tedious experience. 

Is there any way to mimic PPT and either have a single button that can show each layer one after another by clicking on the same button over and over for each layer or simply going through each layer using a next/arrow button?

Hey Mark

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Unfortunately no you would need some type of "queue" for each new layer to be shown to the viewer. However we do have Presentation Mode that is much like PPT and can be utilized to present your diagram like a slideshow. This could be helpful in your situation and allow you to click rather than performing actions. 

Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions! Cheers 🍻
