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When I select some object of my chart and want to add these to my chart I'm not able to get the menu to move my object to a layer.

Instead, my objects are deselected and I get another Menu:



Hi @Walther, thanks for posting in the community and our apologies for the trouble you’re experiencing! I’d be happy to help you. To clarify, can you share which shapes you are having issues with? Is it all shapes or just specific ones? Additionally do you mind posting a screenshot of your entire browser showing what appears when you right click on the object? Thanks for your help and patience! 


It's about creating layers on one out of three pools on this sheet:

What I want to achieve is to make some objects this lane, exchangeable with objects of a future situation. So, I selected all objects in this lane and thereafther deselected the objects that I want to be exchangeable and move this to a layer

As you can see below some object in the middle are not selected:

So these are the object I want to move to a Layer. As soon as I right klick, the selection disappears and I get  the pop-up menu:



Hi @Walther, thank you for the response and apologies for the difficulty you’ve been experiencing. In order to figure out the root cause of the issue, could you please share the document support pin for this document so I can take a closer look?

Issue is solved, right mouse keeps selection and shows "more actions” now. A secondary menu shows the expected layer options

