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Per the above post this feature has been added. However it seems like you must disable line connections before you add the connections.

In other words

  • It's not a true toggle

  • It still doesn't meet the requested feature as it does not affect "existing things"

Hi Stephen thanks for posting in the Lucid Community and sharing your feedback about editing existing objects with lines attached to them. You are correct - while disabling Line Connections allows you to independently resize and move shapes without altering line position this only applies to lines created after Line Connections have been disabled and not to pre-existing shapes. I understand how applying this setting to all shapes both existing and new could be more efficient than deleting and re-drawing all lines. I've logged this feedback for review by our development team and they'll utilize it when prioritizing improvements to Lucidchart. If you'd like to share additional detail or context about why this feature would be important to you we would be glad to hear more in this thread. Thanks again for your feedback and apologies for any inconvenience!
