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I need to resize radio button and drop down list but I couldn't seem to do this (see highlighted in screenshot below). I can only resize the fonts of the texts in the control.

Let me know.

Tina Foo

Hi Tina! These shapes and other shapes in that library that involve this type of functionality are unable to be resized. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes for you. If you think this functionality should be different you can pass that feedback along to our product development team by filling out this form. Thanks for your request!

Hi Maison W

I will pass this feedback to your product development team. However is there a work around for this or options you can suggest?

Let me know.


Hi Tina unfortunately there isn't a workaround that would provide the exact same clickable functionality as those shapes. But you could use our basic flow charting library to create similar looking circles/buttons and they would be able to be resized. You could then use our layers and hotspots features as a stand in for some clickable functionality. Hope this helps!
