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How do I remove the lines below from the diagramming page?


Hi Alana. Those lines denote the page breaks. The only way to to get rid of them is to move your entire document onto one page (i.e. within the boundaries on one of those dashed squares). 

The easiest way I've found to do this is as follows:

  1. Change the size/orientation of your page settings (optional)

  2. Resize all your objects onto the center page

  3. Turn off autopaginate



You can switch them off in the Page Settings. You can read the full guidelines in this Adjust document and board settings article from the Lucid help center. 

  1. Go to File -> Page Settings
  2. Turn off "Show Page Tiling"



This works thank you! Mahdi E

Hey Philip and Mahdi! Thanks for your comments in our community! Happy to hear turning off "Page Tiling" is working well for you! 
