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I already found out that I can reimport files after I stored them into my google drive.

Now is it possible to create an account and make a flow chart. Then as I won't need the account for probably 4 months I'd like to cancel the account. Now in 6 months I might want to edit that file again. Is it possible to re activate that account and import this file again from my google drive?

Thanks for the help.

Cheers W

Hi Wolfgang thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community. When enabling the weekly backup into Google Drive you will receive a .LAF backup file in your Google Drive. When deleting an account this file can be used to restore the documents into a new account. For more information on this please refer to the Lucidchart in Google Drive Help Center article.

Alternatively you can download a .LAF backup file in the Backup/Restore section of your Account Settings. This is also where you can upload the file to restore documents. For more information on this please refer to the Transfer Files Help Center article.

Please note that both of these backup features are not available to free accounts. The Account Types article gives more details on the features available to different account levels.
