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So I have two questions: 

1) Why did LucidChart change the shapes on an already built org chart?  The display changed the way the information is displayed.  

2) Where did my LinkedIn button go on my SFDC contacts?




Hi Christopher 

I would love to get a little bit more insight on what you are seeing? Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing now and let me know what you expected to see? 

As for your Linkedin question: 

We have officially stopped supporting our integration for Linkedin Sales Navigator.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Application Platform (SNAP) is refocusing on a core set of integrations that align with their strategic objectives in the CRM Sales Engagement Business Intelligence and Buyer Intent categories. Given this LinkedIn has made the decision to stop supporting a number of their existing integrations including the Sales Navigator integration with Lucidchart. 

For accounts that were not actively using the feature before November 2020 the integration is no longer be available. To ensure a smooth transition for our customers the integration was available to any accounts who were actively using the feature before November 2020 until September 30 2021.

As an alternative I recommend the following steps to add a Linkedin URL to a contact SFDC Account Mapping Contact shape:

  • Click on the shape

  • In the Contact Details panel on the right click the external link button to the right of the contact's initials

  • Paste the URL from LinkedIn

  • When you click on that shape you should now see that link in the Contact Details panel.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. If you have any other questions or concerns please let me know. 
