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I want to check if there is any way in which we can re-position the text that appears for a decision box in order to avoid the arrows coming out of the decision box overlap with the decision box text.

Hi Viksah 

Thanks for reaching out to the community! 

If your arrow is going through the middle of your decision box I would suggest moving either the arrow to the back or bringing the decision box forward by right-clicking>arrange. I have attached a gif to demonstrate this!

Let me know if this does not fit your specific use case.

As shown in below screenshot I am trying to readjust the position of the text "Review Successful ?" towards the right end of the decision box instead of bottom to avoid it overlapping with the "No" path arrow. Is that something we can do ?

Hi there 

Thanks for posting that screenshot! Because the text is attached to the shape itself we cannot readjust the text. 

However as a workaround: You can use a blank rectangle shape (the size of the text) > send it behind the "Review Successful" shape> Click the no arrow> send it to back> you will see white space around the words.

Let me know if this helps!
