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When re-importing ERD objects into a Lucidchart diagram with multiple pages/tabs, the import process removes all connecting lines from pages/tabs other than the currently active tab.

To reproduce:

  1. Import some ERD objects into a lucidchart diagram
  2. Drop some objects into one page/tab and make sure all relationship lines are in place
  3. Create a second page/tab and drop some more objects into that page/tab, again with all relationship lines in place
  4. Make some changes to the imported CSV so that lucidchart will add/remove relationship lines
  5. Re-import the updated file
    1. Lucidchart will mention the changes being made to add/remove lines

The tab that is currently active will be updated correctly.  However all relationship lines will be removed from the other tab.

Re-importing the second, modified file while the other tab is active restores the lines in that tab.

Hi Mike, thanks for your question. To clarify, when you say that the relationship lines from the inactive tab are all removed, are those relationships completely unrelated to the changes you made in the CSV data?

Hi Micah.  That is correct.  There are relationships that still exist in the file being imported, but the import process removes the connection lines in the other tabs.  The tab that is active maintains the relationship lines.

Switching back to the “broken” tab and re-importing the file for a second time restores the relationship lines.

Hi Mike, thanks for getting back to me. I’ve not been able to reproduce this. By importing my example CSV (see attached file), I’ve created two pages that both show relationships:

First page with “event” tables
second page with “user” tables


You can see that both pages contain relationships. After editing my CSV (see attached file) to remove the relationships on the first page and reimporting, only the relationship lines on the first page are affected. 


Can you confirm that your ERD objects/relationships on the first and second pages are completely unrelated?


Thanks for your patience! This is very helpful for me to understand what you’re experiencing. 
