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I was using the radio buttons for my UI mockup just fine then suddenly the buttons now look like bullet points. I cannot uncheck the buttons and nothing changes when I adjust the "Selected" amt. I have closed out of my diagram hoping to reset whatever is the issue but that didnt work either. Any suggestions? 


As you can see in the attached image the first set of radio buttons are perfect but the other ones on the page looks like bullets.

Hi Angelina 

Thanks for posting! Sorry about this issue - I am not sure what would be causing this. 

Are you able to reproduce this issue with a new document? If so can you please send the steps you follow to reproduce? 

I also recommend checking the revision history of your document to see if you can restore the previous version of the buttons there. To access this click on the clock icon in the panel to the right of your editor then click on the version that you would like to restore to. 

Please let me know if you have any further questions. 
