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Hi I have a question about the "Lucidchart OnPrem for Confluence" plugin.
And I have a public page in Confluence ( visible by registered and anonymous users.
On that page I have a LucidChart diagram inserted. My problem is that if I access the page as anonymous (without logging in) I see the entire content of the page except the LucidChart diagram but if I access with login I see the diagram.
I understand that LucihChart inherits the COnfluence permissions so if an anonymous user can see the content of a page they should also see the LucidChart diagram.
Can you tell me what could be happening?

Thank you

Hi Benito thanks for posting! Is that same diagram inserted on any other Confluence pages that aren't public? Can you remove the diagram from the public page and re-add it-- and when you do so select to insert a copy rather than inserting the original? Then test to see if you can view that diagram as an anonymous user.

If the original diagram is inserted on a page that is private and you also selected to insert the original diagram on the public page the diagram permissions from first page are going to carry over and be applied to the second page. Inserting a copy should resolve it because it's a new diagram and isn't tied to the original. Please let me know if inserting a copy doesn't resolve the issue!
