Hi I have a question about the "Lucidchart OnPrem for Confluence" plugin.
And I have a public page in Confluence (https://ws001.sspa.juntadeandalucia.es/confluence/display/SSHH/Modelado+de+la+Actividad+Planificada+de+Soporte+Provincial) visible by registered and anonymous users.
On that page I have a LucidChart diagram inserted. My problem is that if I access the page as anonymous (without logging in) I see the entire content of the page except the LucidChart diagram but if I access with login I see the diagram.
I understand that LucihChart inherits the COnfluence permissions so if an anonymous user can see the content of a page they should also see the LucidChart diagram.
Can you tell me what could be happening?
Thank you