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I am working with actions to show/hide layers when elements are clicked. Because of this I have a subset of layers intitially showing and the rest are hidden and should only show once actions are performed. However when I go to Public and view the public link all layers are visible on load. How to I view a version of my document that initially loads only with the ones I have marked as "Show" and the actions work to show/hide the rest?

I figured this out myself but wanted to leave this here in case someone else had the issue. You have to hit "Sync Visibility" and then the layers on the public link match what you set. 

Hi Jennifer

Thanks for posting in the community and following up with the solution! I'm certain this will be helpful to other people using this feature. Let us know if you have anymore questions!

For those looking for more resources check out our Create Multi-layered Diagrams article.
