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Hi all - first off love working in Lucid Chart.  

Perhaps what I'm looking for already exists today so I'll explain what I'm looking to do.

I created a Server Architecture diagram with dynamic labels for everything server names DNS names databases etc.  It's all based on what Location you are interested in seeing.  The Locations (key) with corresponding information have been uploaded (Data Link) via Excel and connected to a SelectBox.  

For my team to select a new Location they select the SelectBox and then need to open the Select Box data pane on the right then select which Location they want to view.

What would be great is if this SelectBox was populated by the Location (key) and made interactive right on the page.  Essentially the functionality of a DropDownListbox on a web page.  

Let me know if you want more information even if you'd like to see what I'm doing via Teams/Zoom/etc.


Hey William

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community 🥳 I'm not 100% sure that this is what you're looking for and you may already be using this however Actions may help you be able to do what you're looking to do. This would allow users to click and move around the document as they click on different locations. 

I have went ahead and logged your request and I love where your heads at on this. If it's okay I would really like to get some screenshots on this post diving a bit more into what you would like to see specifically. 

Thank you so much for your idea and adding detail here--Cheers 🍻

Here I have a Select Box (not interactive)

Requires me/anyone to open the right pane ensure I'm on the Select Box and then switch a Value here.

The entire diagram is driven off the value selected in this 'Select Box'.  It would be great if the actual Select Box was interactive without having to open the right page and select from there.  

Hey William 

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain your workflow! I have logged your request for our devs to have a look at. We always appreciate ideas given to us from our users and love taking the time to implement features to improve Lucidchart. 

Thanks again William! First handshakes 🤝
