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PDF export flowchart boxes gradient is backwards/reversed

  • 7 February 2024
  • 2 replies

I made a simple swimlane flowchart today and for those on my team without access I exported to PDF. In the chart, I used simple gradients in the flowchart shapes. The color is less saturated at the top and more saturated at the bottom. In the PDF export, this is reversed, with the saturated color at the top.

I also noticed that the gradient in the PDF export starts from the color and fades to white, which I assume is a limitation of PDF. Is the gradient direction also a limitation of the PDF format, or is there a bug here?

Native shapes PDF shapes
Native Lucidchart shapes
PDF export shapes




Hi Alan! Thank you for posting about this issue. I tried to reproduce, but I wasn’t able to get the same result that you are getting. I’m wondering what browser you are using? I am using chrome on a mac, and I toggled off the webgl to see if that changed my results (it didn’t). I also tried testing with different amounts and directions of the gradients, and I tried exporting selections vs page, and they all came out as expected.


I am using chrome and mac. What browser and operating system are you using?  

I found how to get it to work, but it is based on what looks to be something buggy in how the gradient sliders and preview are working. I’ll link to a video I captured and stored on google drive. You can see the gradient preview above the color sliders is backwards, and it reverts to normal when moving the right-side adjuster slightly to the left.

After I adjusted all the right-side sliders so that the gradient preview looked as expected, the export to PDF also looks as expected.
