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When I print to PDF on the Lucid Chart interface all looks well. 

But then as soon as the Adobe .pdf creator appears- all of the sudden text I had on a gray background fades into the gray contrast is significantly reduced. My .pdf has a lane that is pretty much unreadable. 

The visibility of layers is correct and like I said- looks correct on the LucidChart print interface. How do I have it render exactly as is shown in Lucid Chart? 

Hi Kate

Thanks for posting in the community. There are a couple of issues that we consistently come up against with printing; do you mind trying these steps and seeing if they clear up the issue?

  • Try the export in a Chrome Incognito browsing session. This often improves performance by clearing your cache and cookies and disabling extensions.

  • Please also try printing to PDF from a different internet connection to make sure that there is no network interference.

  • Sometimes diagrams that are imported from other sources (such as Visio or others) have trouble. Was this diagram imported? If so copying and pasting the contents of the document into a new Lucidchart document can sometimes resolve the issue.

If these steps don't resolve the issue please let me know.

Hi Ashley. I have tried again from an Ingonito session and a new internet connect. I still encounter the same issue. This was not imported from another source; this was created directly in Lucidchart. Therefore the third troubleshooting item is not applicable here. 

Hi Kate

Thanks for getting back so quickly. I'm going to create a ticket from this request so our support team can take a closer look at what may be going on. Keep an eye out for a response in your inbox.

Did this ever get fixed? I'm having the same issue on a file created in lucidchart....when I export as PDF none of the text passes through

Hi Jack

Thanks for posting in the Community and apologies for the trouble you're experiencing with exporting - if you've tried the troubleshooting steps that Ashley lists above and are still experiencing issues, can you provide a screenshot of the issue? 
