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How can i paste in plain text? Im copying a lot code from my dark-mode editor and the text is not readable on white background (e.g. pasting it in a box). Even worse though readable is pasting it directly with the background just make looking the chart like a mess.

If its not possible consider this a feature request (for example strg+shift+v for pasting like in teams)

I think this "feature" makes people struggle far more often then helping them anyways at least in my team. ;)

Hi Robin

Thank you for posting in the Community! You can paste plain text by using the shortcut Shift + Ctrl + V (Shift + Command + V on Mac). Hope this helps!


This is rather strange to have as a default. I'd expect to have this shortcut to paste text WITH formatting since 90% of the cases you just need to paste regular text and it's really annoying to dance around with fingers crossed in order to achieve that

Hi Michael

Thanks for keeping this conversation going! Unfortunately pasting with formatting using Ctrl/Cmmd + V is our default. However I do see where you are coming from here and would love if you would add your idea to the product feedback section? Ideas submitted there are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. Cheers!
