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We have used the Page Name field on the Master page to identify child pages correctly. As of this morning we have discovered that this is no longer working as expected. It appears to be broken on all of our Lucid Chart files. This accounts for hundreds of files affected by this new bug.

Hi @Michael Kurtz 

Sometimes, reapplying the master page to the child pages can resolve the issue, Right-click on the page tab of the child page, select Apply Master, and choose the master page again.

More help refer this help article - Create a master page in Lucidchart – Lucid


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards




Thanks for the reply. I have tried as you suggest, and the results are the same. This is happening on all of our documents many of which were fine last week. It appears to me that a software modification has caused unexpected consequences.


Thanks for the update,

We also look forward to hearing from community associates, who may have alternative suggestions that could better address your requirements and take it to the dev team as well.

Good morning @Michael Kurtz,

Can you give me specific details about how the master page is no longer working as expected? I’d like to use that information to help identify the root cause, which will help to find the solution. 

We utilize a header in the Master Page that has the “Page Name” field so that every child page displays the page name within the header. That worked great until Monday (at least that is when the team noticed), now the Page Name field displays the name of the Master Page on all of the child pages and not the names of the child pages as it did previously. If needed I am happy to jump on a quick call and show you what we are doing. 

I’m seeing the same. I created a Master page to standardize the layout for all pages, so page title and certain features are all in the same place and font size. I added the “Page Name” field to that Master page (named “Standard Master Page”), but now all my pages display “Standard Master Page” in their title instead of their respective Page Names. I’m also having the same problem with the “Page Number” field. The “Page Count” field is, of course, working properly since that number is common to all pages. 

Good morning,

Thank you for bringing this up and providing additional details. We have filed a bug report, and I will follow up when I have more information about the resolution. 

Thank you Shantel, we are delivering final documents to our clients tomorrow that now have the wrong header information, and I don’t want to have to change hundreds of pages manually.

I was about to ask the same question.  This has started in my environment too.  All of our documents now do not display the tab name on the page.  

The “Landscape Master” field should have the name of the tab.  We noticed this last week.

Good afternoon,

I am popping in to provide an update. We have prioritized this bug, and we have plans to implement the fix this upcoming sprint.

I understand that you may not be able to wait for the fix to be implemented, and the current workaround in the meantime will be to manually insert the page name function (or copy and paste the shape containing it) on those pages rather than use the master page to apply it en masse. Our apologies for the inconvenience, we hope to have it fixed soon.

I am also having the same problem with both page names and page numbers, and look forward to a fix.

Here's some further detail: 

Page title in each page (tab) is not updating from text in the tab name like it used to; the title of each page is now the title of the last (rightmost) tab’s title. This just started happening on all of our Lucid chart diagrams, even diagrams we have not updated for months. It appears to be a bug or a very inconvenient new feature. :)

I have tried disconnecting from our VPN and that does not help.

I have tried opening Lucid in an in-private browser window and that does not help.

If I try to export any page in the doc a window opens up about Comment-Only Sharing; and when I cancel the export workflow, all of the pages in the doc adopt the name of the page I tried to export.

@Mark Banfield and @Tim Hayes, Thank you for providing additional context into the issue. I apologize for any disruption this may cause, and I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.

Good afternoon all,

I am sending this as an update to let everyone know that we are working on a bug fix, and I just found out that a workaround in the meantime is to disable webGL. This bug only appears while webGL is enabled. To disable webGL navigate to “view” in the top menu, go to the bottom of the list and select “rendering”, and then toggle the webGL off.

I will update again once this bug has been resolved, and you’ll be able to toggle webGL back on.



Good afternoon all,

I am sending this as an update to let everyone know that we are working on a bug fix, and I just found out that a workaround in the meantime is to disable webGL. This bug only appears while webGL is enabled. To disable webGL navigate to “view” in the top menu, go to the bottom of the list and select “rendering”, and then toggle the webGL off.

I will update again once this bug has been resolved, and you’ll be able to toggle webGL back on.



This does work for me. Thank you for providing a workaround! 😅

Hi everyone, 

Good news! I have heard back from our development team, and it sounds like the issue you experienced should now be resolved. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Please let me know if you continue to experience issues or have further questions.
