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I have a the indication I have use all my free quota and I'm over by 14%

I deleted most of my documents and if I add the size of all my documents I have roughly 10MB of space in use but I still have the issue of been over quota I thought that it may be the trash that need to be empty so according with your info it will take about 7 days for the trash to automatically delete the files it has been a couple of months since I deleted the docs and I'm still over over quota. Can you help to understand why I'm over quota?.



Hi Carlos thanks for posting in the community! I’m happy to help.

Here are a couple of specific things to look at when working with storage:

  • You can check how much of your storage is being used and what it is being used by your Account Settings in the left-hand panel. If you hover over each of the colored sections you can see what that portion of the storage represents.

  • If you have a large portion of your storage taken up by documents but do not have many large documents it is possible that this is due to Revision History. If you have a document that you have been changing incrementally for many months or years there will be many iterations of that document (from the revision history) taking up storage space in your account. Once you find the large document you can reclaim your storage by making a new copy of the document (this new copy will not have the revision history and because of this will take up less storage) and deleting the old version of the document. Note that the old document will take 7 days to permanently delete from your trash and free up storage.

  • Images generally take up the most space in your account if you are running out of room it is recommended that you clear out as many images as you can from both your documents and your Image Manager. You can access your Image Manager by clicking the image icon next to the magnifying glass above your shape library.

I hope this helps! Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.
