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Hello Community,


Our organisational modelling is position based. Within our HR system, our Org shows Position A reports to Position B (as an example). Position A can have multiple employee’s occupying the position. Position B might have a substantive employee occupant, and a non-substantive employee (such as a Higher Duties/Secondment placement type) also occupying the position. The non-substantive employee also has their own substantive position they occupy which they will return too. 


Is it possible to create an org chart based on the position of the org model (with multiple employee occupants)? 
I tried to use existing Org model templates specifying the position and reports to position as the link, but it doesn’t work as it doesn’t allow duplicate ID’s. It seems the org modelling tool in Lucid Charts only allows for employee based modelling. 


Is there any other work around for this? 

Hi @Kat 101, thanks for your community post! Our org chart shapes are set up for employee modeling and a reporting tree. If you choose to model positions instead, it will still behave as a reporting structure and may be difficult to model multiple people for one role.

A potential workaround for this is to copy an org chart shape, paste it outside of the org chart, and draw your own relationships with manual lines instead of the auto-generated lines in the org chart. For more information on how to do this, please refer to this community feature idea with a workaround for operating outside of the org chart structure! Feel free to add any additional thoughts on what you’d like to see in that thread. Let us know if you have additional questions. 
